Substance Abuse Counseling

应用科学副学士学位是一个为期两年的课程,包括以下内容 60小时的SAC课程和学术课程,包括英语、演讲、社交 Work, and Introduction to Computers.  

一旦完成39个学期的SAC课程,包括320个小时的实地工作,学生将获得 学生有资格获得辅导员实习执照与得克萨斯州和符合条件 to work as an intern while completing the necessary 4000 Intern hours. 
一旦获得实习执照,就有资格参加执照考试. Full 在成功完成考试和实习时间后授予执照. 一旦达到国家要求,就会被授予执照化学品证书 Dependency Counselor, or LCDC. 

执照考试由德州认证委员会(TCB)管理。. They 是德州成瘾专家协会的独立分支机构吗. The certification 委员会致力于制定顾问标准和保护公众 good. 

Program Outcomes

  • 对不同群体的个人表现出有效的、道德的、多元文化的关怀 在 行为领域专业咨询师的执业范围内 addictions and substance use disorders.
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct professional screening, assessment, treatment planning, prevention 教育,案件协调服务,以及这些服务的记录 a Substance Abuse Counselor.
  • 识别和展示基本的咨询原则,理论知识 and skills to include crisis management.
  • 展示行为成瘾的各种模型和理论知识 and substance use disorders and other problems related to addiction.

Critical Thinking Skills
Communication Skills
Social Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Computer/Technology Skills
Leadership/Management Skills

Career Information

辅导员实习生(CI)和LCDC被雇用来支持需要帮助的人 addictions in various locations. In the criminal justice system, they are employed 在监狱、拘留所、缓刑或假释办公室、过渡生活中心和 many other programs within the TDCJ system. Counselors also work in State licensed 各级护理的治疗方案,从戒毒、住院、日间治疗, intensive outpatient and outpatient programs. LCDC’s can also work for sober living 住宅和许多非营利机构都有解决药物使用问题的项目 在社区以及私人咨询办公室,当地心理健康机构 and hospitals. 


  • 学生必须购买责任险并完成犯罪背景调查, 在开始DAAC 1164和DAAC 1165实习课程之前. 背景调查有效期为一年,所以在开始前一个月完成 the practicum course. View Directions
  • 以下课程是德州专业咨询师部门所要求的 毕业后,必须参加实习辅导员执照考试; DAAC 2330多元文化咨询,DAAC 1309物质相关评估和 Addictive Disorders, DAAC 1164 Practicum, and DAAC 1165 Practicum.
Recommended Program of Study: Associate of Applied Science
Course Title SCH
First Semester
BCIS 1305 Business Computer Applications 3
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking 3
DAAC 1304 Pharmacology of Addiction 3
DAAC 1311 Counseling Theories 3
DAAC 1317 Basic Counseling Skills 3
Second Semester
ENGL 1301 Composition 3
BIOL 1322 Nutrition and Diet Therapy 3
DAAC 1305 Co-Occurring Disorders 3
DAAC 1309 Assessment of Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders 3
DAAC 2454 Dynamics of Group Counseling 4
Third Semester
SOCW 2361 Introduction to Social Work 3
ELECTIVE Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
DAAC 1319 Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders 3
DAAC 2307 Addicted Family Intervention 3
DAAC 2330 Multicultural Counseling 3
DAAC 1164 实习(或现场经验)-药物滥用/成瘾咨询 1
Fourth Semester
PSYC 2301 General Psychology 3
DAAC 2306 Substance Abuse Prevention I 3
DAAC 2341 Counseling Alcohol and Other Drug Addictions 3
DAAC 2343 Current Issues 3
DAAC 1165 实习(或现场经验)-药物滥用/成瘾咨询 1
Total   60


Recommended Program of Study: Certificate
course title sch
First Semester
DAAC 1304 Pharmacology of Addiction 3
DAAC 1311 Counseling Theories 3
DAAC 1317 Basic Counseling Skills 3
DAAC 2330 Multicultural Counseling 1
DAAC 1164 实习(或现场经验)-药物滥用/成瘾咨询 1
Second Semester
DAAC 1305 Co-Occurring Disorders 3
DAAC 1309 Assessment of Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders 3
DAAC 2454 Dynamics of Group Counseling 4
DAAC 1165 实习(或现场经验)-药物滥用/成瘾咨询 1
Total   24


*A student must be TSI complete in Reading and Writing

Lamar University



Is there a certification offered?

在成功完成所有课程和实习课程后,学生将获得 有资格向德克萨斯州申请辅导员实习执照,并且符合资格 to work as an intern while completing the necessary 4000 intern hours.

What does a Substance Abuse and Addiction Counselor do?

药物滥用和成瘾顾问建议酗酒者, drug addiction, eating disorders, or other behavioral problems.

Where do Substance Abuse and Addiction Counselors usually find jobs?

药物滥用和成瘾顾问通常受雇于监狱系统, 州和联邦,以及门诊和住院治疗机构, 缓刑和假释办公室私人咨询办公室当地心理健康机构 and hospitals.

How long does it take to get my degree?

药物滥用咨询项目是一个副学士学位项目,对大多数人来说 students it takes two years to complete the degree.


According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Chemical Dependency/ 药物滥用顾问的工作机会会比平均水平增加得多. 从2020年到2030年,毕业生的就业率预计将增长23%. About 41,000 药物滥用、行为障碍和心理健康咨询师的空缺 projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected 由于需要替换转移到不同职业的工人或 exit the labor force, such as to retire. Growth is also expected partly as a result 成瘾和心理健康咨询服务越来越多地被保险覆盖 policies. 到2023年,有经验的、有正式执照的咨询师的平均年薪 据报道,德克萨斯州大都市地区的平均年收入高达76,640美元. The average 据报道,该州LCDC的工资为33,560至62,200美元,即每小时19至28美元.

Substance Abuse Counselor Information and Salary Potential

如果有兴趣,学生应该申请拉马尔州立学院亚瑟港,并会见 with an Enrollment Service Counselor. You should plan for a few additional expenses beyond tuition and books. Additional expenses may include a criminal background check and drug screening.

在注册DAAC 1164和1165实习课程之前,学生必须有 a clear background check through CastleBranch. In addition, drug screening may be required. 

获得正式执照的资格取决于LCDC刑事标准概述 in Texas Administrative Code Rule 140.431.

学生必须年满18岁才能注册DAAC 1164和1165 Practicum courses in the SAC program.

Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor Program
Texas Department of State health Services MC-1982
Mail Code 1982
P.O. Box 149347
Austin, Texas 78714-9347

Telephone: 512-834-6605
Fax: 512-834-6677
Website: Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor Program

Program Coordinator: Kimberly Arrington, M.Ed., LPC

Office: Student Center 408

Phone: (409) 984-6307



Adjunct Faculty: Linda White, MA, LPC-S, LCDC-I



Adjunct Faculty: Robert  White, LCDC, LPC-A


We encourage students to get involved in our Allied Health Society. This organization 将联合卫生部门的各种项目合并为一个整体 group. 该组织旨在促进我们各种项目的积极形象,但更多 所以通过各种各样的志愿者机会来服务我们的社区 school year.

正规靠谱赌博软件's Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 是否符合珍妮克莱里披露校园安全政策的规定 and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f), 34 CFR 668.46).


Associate of Applied Science



Academic Transfer Degree

获得四年制社会工作学士学位或心理咨询硕士学位 college/university


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